what we do

QCRU is a community care network by & for TLGBQIA+people in Baltimore City, formed in 2020.

We’re a growing network of neighbors, allies, and service providers committed to supporting TLGBQIA+ people in crisis in Baltimore City who understand the urgent need for accessible, culturally competent crisis resources.


Peer Support

Our network of queer and trans neighbors know firsthand just how dangerous and traumatizing interactions with law enforcement can be for TLGBQIA+ folks in crisis and are committed to caring for one another, to reduce the impact of that known harm. Our network includes:

  • TLGBQIA+ Baltimore City community members and the people who love them

  • local service providers supporting TLGBQIA+ clients

  • virtual support groups

  • neighborhood safety teams

Queer Joy

Dedicated to sustaining and nourishing our spirits, QCRU’s queer joy team meets on a monthly basis, providing opportunities for neighbors and caregivers to connect with one another and grow our collective support networks. Monthly events include neighbor park meet-ups, virtual craft and gossip sessions, and holistic & creative skillshares from our brilliant community members.

Find out about upcoming Queer Joy events here.

TLGBQIA+ Community Safety Trainings

We coordinate free community safety trainings for TLGBQIA+ Baltimore City residents, bringing neighbors together and empowering community members with crisis response skills, thereby reducing the presence and impact of police in our neighborhoods. We partner with skilled TLGBQIA+ providers and community members to provide trainings on the following topics:

  • De-Escalation and Self-Defense 

  • Basic First Aid

  • Peer Support and Crisis Counseling

  • Safety Planning and Boundaries

  • Grounding Through Crises

  • Somatic Self-Care

Find out about upcoming trainings here.

Interested in partnering with us on a training? Reach out to qcru.baltimore@gmail.com.

our values

  • community care

    As queer and trans folks, we know that our survival is dependent on one another. QCRU’s volunteer network is made up for TLGBQIA+ Baltimore City residents, who believe that deepening our relationships and committing to caring for one another is a necessary investment in our collective liberation. By turning to our neighbors when we need help, we’re building the future we dream of, one relationship at a time. QCRU envisions a Baltimore where all TLGBQIA+ people are safely and securely housed and robustly connected to communities of care.

  • bodily autonomy + informed consent

    For many survivors, including those of us who’ve been subjected to involuntary treatment, being able to make decisions about how we do and do not want to be cared for is an important step in healing and reclaiming our autonomy. To avoid replicating the violence of the criminal legal system and medical industrial complex, we strive to support individuals who’ve experienced harm or who are in crisis towards meeting their identified needs and goals, seeking informed consent before offering or providing care whenever possible. We don’t participate in involuntary processes, like emergency petitions.

  • harm reduction

    We know that interactions with law enforcement, the legal system, and medical industrial complex are often harmful for queer and trans folks, especially TGNC BIPOC with disabilities. When providing in-person support, we work directly with the person in crisis to identify their needs, explain options, including the potential risks & benefits of accessing those resources, and offer help navigating potentially harmful systems. At a community level, by building robust, resourced and trustworthy community-based crisis response systems, we’re collectively reducing the potential for known harms to occur to our neighbors and loved ones.

how can I help?

TLGBQIA+ Baltimore City residents and local allies can join our network, attend our upcoming crisis response trainings, and get skilled up to better support your neighbors through crisis situations.

Organizations and service providers supporting Baltimore’s TLGBQIA+ community can join our extended care network, to be considered for referrals to ensure a continuity of affirming care for people post-crisis.