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Basic First Aid + Crisis Care

Join Lex and Marian, members of the Baltimore Street Medics Collective, for an introduction to first aid and crisis triage. This training will cover assessing scene safety, basic first aid, opioid overdose reversal, how to determine when to escalate care, how to communicate with medical professionals, and ways to advocate and reduce harm for people in crisis when interacting with emergency medical services. Content warning: frank discussion of bodily injury, life threats, bleeding, discussion of opioid overdose & reversal.

Lex (they/them) is a healthcare provider and public health researcher with specialties in reproductive justice, gender-affirming hormone therapy, midwifery, and HIV awareness, prevention, and treatment among highly- affected populations. They live in Baltimore with one of their children, several cats, and lots of plants.

Marian (they/them) is a community educator and street medic certified in basic first aid, Community Emergency Response and Wilderness First Aid. They have lived in Baltimore since 2011 and have organized and taught protest health and safety and 20 hour street medic trainings in several states. Marian loves to travel and makes it a point to research and find rocks and minerals wherever they go.

Register here.

May 21

Grounding Through Crisis

May 28

Somatic Self-Care + Grief Work